Breeding Policy

Rancho Corbello has a standard breeding policy but what separates us from other ranches is the fact that we understand a lot of you may be new at the breeding game and that it can be a bit overwhelming. We are here to help educate you and simplify the process. If you only have one lady (bitch – hate that term) and have never breed but she is of good quality we would be happy to explain the process and work with you to find the best resources in your area. Just give us a call.

(see contacts)

Rancho Corbello Breeding Policy  (special discounts for service dogs)

Shilo is a proven stud with a huge success rate. His litter sizes average 10. He is available for live cover (assist) AI, fresh chilled and frozen. We work with the top breed facility in San Marcos California, Canine Cryobank in San Marcos. His sperm count, mobility and all other readings have been evaluated each time and are top notch. I have attached some helpful links below.

Determining Breed Times and Whelping Dates

Breeding Management of the Bitch

Evaluation of Stud Dog Infertility in Artificial Insemination

Normal Whelping in the Bitch

Pregnancy Diagnosis in the Bitch

Please contact us for the formal breeding policy and current prices.

Discounts for repeat breeds, Service Dog facilities and LA rep apply.